


Rinkquotes: Page 5

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Mary: I've been having a ton of those dreams where you see things that happen the next day. It's really cool.
Rabbitlord: I've never had one of those.
Rabbitlord: Mary the psychic.
MarkusRTK: Premonitions? I've had them, but they always turn out to be wrong.
Wormwood: And all the premonitions I have are somehow related to The Simpsons. Worst supernatural power EVER.
Rabbitlord: LOL.
MarkusRTK: I remember once I was sitting in a restaurant and I had a premonition a green Dodge Ram would drive by.
MarkusRTK: It did, except it was actually a blue Honda Civic.
Counterpoint: Mary: Are you going to get a late-night tarot show?
Counterpoint: Madame Marie?
MarkusRTK: I think you're too skilled for a tarot show. You should work for the government.
* Mary reads Counterpoint's cards.
Counterpoint: WHAT DOES IT MEAN
Counterpoint: HOW
* Counterpoint is noticed to die a horrible deatg by Mary.
Counterpoint: AIEE
* Counterpoint has diedg.

Nyperold: Someone made sprites of Princess Bribe characters.
Nyperold: *bride
ahmoacah: Princess Bribe sounds SO much better.
Mary: "But you would make me think that you were trying to make me think.... oh heck. Here's ten bucks, which is poison?"

SimEarth makes for some WEIRD quotes

Sundragyn: Oh, I like this: "Goal: Evolve multicellular life." Okey-dokey.

* Sundragyn sees a highly evolved starfish running around holding a stick.

Sundragyn: Civilization collapsed again.
Sundragyn: *sigh*

Sundragyn: I have some highly intelligent trichordates.
10Kan: Sentient? or just rather clever?
Sundragyn: Clever.
10Kan: Do they fall for the "pull my finger" trick? That's how I judge sentience.

10Kan: Hmm, Counterpoint, do YOU have eyes?
Mary: 10: He could be using a braille monitor.
Mary: That would be COOL.
Sundragyn: o_O
DemanusFlint: Especially with streaming.
Sundragyn: Maybe it reads our words to him.
Sundragyn: In which case: WERIOUEWKSNFSN#)($@#SDFFLKSDF_#@)(*$)(#@*A@!@#S{DPF

Counterpoint: Mia: ASL (n.): American Sign Language [abbrev.]
* Faux_Pas now has a different 80's song in his head.
Randy: Melissa is going to do that for a living, hopefully.
Faux_Pas: You can get paid to have 80's songs stuck in your head?
Faux_Pas: Wow.
Faux_Pas: There's a market for everything.

Matthew: So how is everyone on this fine December morn?
Sosiqui: It's not December
Matthew: It's also not morn, but you don't see me complaining.

We were talking about Elmo's World, the worst thing ever to happen to children's television.

Sundragyn: Mary: Ever noticed that his fish, Dorothy, is a different one practically every time?
Sundragyn: Sometimes they're not even the same breed of goldfish. Yeah, you can really replace a fantail oranda with a run-of-the-mill comet without anyone noticing...
Sundragyn: I think Elmo's mom keeps replacing the dead goldfish.

BurgerKing: Pi sucks.
BurgerKing: It's all like "P... I..." and you're all, "Here comes the E!" and it's all "HA! NO WAY BUSTER, I'M JUST A CRAPLOAD OF NUMBERS."

On text colors...

Athaleon: Reddish colors jump out at you and grab you by the neck and yell "U SUK!". Pinkish colors are the same, but they're like lazy red. They try to do that, but your neck slips out of their grasp and they go "Eh" and plop down on a couch to watch Cops.

It was just one of those exceedingly silly nights. Enough said.

Sarya: I like cheese
famous: I hate cheese
Mary: Cheese is awesome.
Mia: I don't like cheese.
Athaleon: Cheese is eh.
Sarya: Actually, now that I think about it, I hate cheese too
famous: What made you change your mind?
Sarya: I don't know.
Sarya: I like to butcher hobos down at the trainyard
famous: I like to butcher hobos near the lake.
TOM: Cheese is great on hobos.
BurgerKing: You cruel people.
Mary: Mmm, hobocheese.
Mia: Sometimes, I don't know my sister.
Mary: I mean, uh, eww, you're gross, TOM.
TOM: Nothing tastes as good.
Morris: I tried to butcher a hobo once, but I got arrested for saying "hobo" instead of "shelterially disadvantaged citizen".
TOM: Morris: That's because you live in California.
Morris: TOM: It's only because the capital's in the northern part of the state, where all the hippies live.
Sarya: One time, I hired a monkey to take notes for me in class.
Sarya: I would just sit there with my mind a complete blank, while the monkey scribbled on little pieces of paper
Sarya: at the end of the class, the teacher said "Class, I want you to write a paper using your notes."
Sarya: So I wrote a paper that said, "Hello, my name is Bingo. I like to climb on things. Can I have a banana? Eek Eek"
Sarya: I GOT AN F!
Sarya: When I told my mom about it, she said "I told you, never trust a monkey!"
Sarya: The End
ahmoacah: Riiight.

For any questions, comments, etc., send me an E-mail at mezzian@yahoo.com.